If you’re looking for ways to save money, reduce your impact on the environment, and add value to your Santa Cruz home, then you should definitely consider switching to solar power. Here are the top 5 reasons why now is the best time to invest in this awesome renewable energy.

1) Save Money Every Month On Your Electric Bill

Recent statistics show that the average electricity bill in Santa Cruz is $88, and the average home requires 573kHw per month. Residents in Santa Cruz are paying nearly 31% more for their energy than the national average. While switching to solar power probably won’t entirely eliminate your dependency on the local power grid, it will substantially reduce it.

2) Reduce Your Carbon Footprint

According to an article on the…

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xeriscaping in santa cruz

If you’ve lived in Santa Cruz for a while, you’re likely all too familiar with the watering restrictions that the municipal districts impose each year. Unfortunately, as populations increase and the amount of available water decreases, it could become increasingly difficult to justify the cost to maintain a luscious green grass and blossoming garden. Current watering restrictions permit residents to use enough water to keep their lawns green, but if the drought trends continue it may be time to reshape our landscaping practices to better suit the available resources.

Unlike traditional landscaping practices, xeriscaping is a terrific alternative that requires much less water, fertilizer, and elbow grease. Plus, it can help boost your home's curb…

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Dog on beach in Santa Cruz, at dog-friendly beach

Santa Cruz is bursting with fun, family-friendly parks and gorgeous beaches. Not only can you enjoy these terrific outdoor spaces, but your four-legged best-friend can too! Here’s a handy list of dog-friendly parks and beaches that are pawsitively great for the whole family!

Dog-Friendly Beaches In Santa Cruz

Feel the sand between your paws and toes.

Lighthouse Field State Beach / It’s Beach – On Leash : Beautiful sand and rocky bluffs greet the Pacific Ocean. Open from 7 am – sunset every day. Relax or take Fido for a run along the waterfront.

Mitchell’s Cove Beach – On Leash and Off Leash : Mitchell’s Cove Beach is one of the best places in Santa Cruz for dogs to run free! The park is open from sunrise to sunset, and dogs are only required…

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Biking in Santa Cruz

This year, Santa Cruz was added to the Bike Score list at Redfin as one of the most bikeable US cities, with a Bike Score rating of 83.8. Right now, with an average population of 63,127, the percent of residents who primarily walk or bike to work is at around 16%, which means we're ranked second in California for the number of bike-to-work commuters in our area!

Biking in Santa Cruz has been encouraged over the years with bike infrastructure, most recently including the first green lane treatments in the county, as well as segments of the Soquel Demonstration Forest Flow Trail being completed for those who enjoy biking our many trails, and the completion of the Arana Gulch Trail.

Discover Our Bike Clubs In Santa Cruz

If you're interested in…

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santa cruz tech jobsSanta Cruz is a great place to live. This is a statement that I, and many others, have been touting for years. However, if you asked many of these same people what makes it such a great place to live, most of them would likely not mention the technology industry or the great tech jobs in Santa Cruz. In fact, many people in the community are unaware of our city's tech sector and still believe that they need to commute to the Silicon Valley to find work. One local organization is trying to change that. Santa Cruz Works, a local nonprofit organization, has set its sights on connecting local tech talent with the growing and thriving tech companies in the area.

Tech Companies In Santa Cruz

Currently, much of our local talent is commuting for hours to the…

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Water is the planet's most precious resource. Access to clean water is a privilege that, unfortunately, many people still take for granted. By utilizing new water efficiency technologies and age-old conservation methods, we can help preserve the water supply for future generations. Cutting down on consumption whenever possible is something that everyone can do to live a little greener.

Making Sure Your Home Holds Water

The first stop on your journey to save water is to ensure your home is free of water leaks. Make your way through your home, and properly shut off the water at all fixtures and faucets. Air-cooling systems and other devices that use water should also be shut of. Read your water meter, wait two hours (without using any water), and…

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Moving into your home is an exciting time, and you shouldn’t allow higher than expected electricity bills to dampen your spirits. Every day, households around the world waste large amounts of energy. If your home uses more energy than it needs to, you are the one that is paying the price. Luckily, there are many ways to make sure your home is running as efficiently as possible. Save yourself from 'utility shock' by taking these seven steps.

Make Energy Efficiency Your Electric Company's Business

When you first move into your home, have your appliances inspected by an authorized technician. You could call your appliance's manufacturer or the electric company to find someone to inspect your appliances. If you do find yourself on the phone with the…

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If your monthly energy bill has started to make you cringe, then it might be time to conduct an energy audit on your home. Hiring a professional can cost you a pretty penny. So save the dough and examine your home yourself. With a few tools and the tips below, you can identify problem areas that could be costing you every month.

Energy Bills
Analyze last year’s energy bills. Each statement should itemize the energy you use each month in kilowatts. Note any spikes that could indicate problems with one of your appliances or the structure of your home. Call your energy provider and ask what the average cost is for a home of your size in your area. Then determine how extensively you need to conduct your energy audit.

Air Leakage
Warm or cool air escaping…

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When you are looking at a potential Santa Cruz home to buy, it’s important to pay attention to the details so that you can ensure that you are making the right choice. However, many home buyers will get so caught up in the excitement that they will miss certain important things that they need to know about the property.
If you are buying a home, make sure that you don’t miss any of these commonly overlooked details:

Do the Appliances Work?
Take the time to test the major appliances in the home to make sure that they are functioning properly. This is a very likely flaw that is often overlooked in a home inspection. It is a good idea to ask your home inspector to run every appliance through its full cycle to make sure that there are no problems.


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If the temperature in your home is too hot at night, then you can’t sleep. If it’s too cold during the day, then you have to wear excessive layers. Everyone has his or her own idea of the ideal temperature, but to keep it on that perfect number can get expensive. So, below we’ve outlined five ways you can take care of your heating and cooling system and help it run more efficiently.

1. Set It And Forget It
To maximize the effectiveness of your heating and cooling systems, you need to program your thermostat and refrain from changing it. Adjusting the thermostat makes your system work harder. The best way to avoid tempting temperature changes is to choose a thermostat that fits your schedule, such as one with 7-day, 5-1-1, 5-2 or 1-week programming…

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